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匈前总理:“一带一路”为欧洲注入活力 欧中共享发展红利 | 世界观
家核优居 2024-06-01 06:06:04 来源: 大众日报

??"招行 打印工资流水"??【——溦:155-7599-7328——】??匈前总理:“一带一路”为欧洲注入活力 欧中共享发展红利 | 世界观.

  匈牙利是首个同中国签署“一带一路”合作文件的欧洲国家。日前,匈牙利前总理迈杰希·彼得(Peter Medgyessy)在采访中强调了共建“一带一路”倡议的积极意义。迈杰希称:共建“‘一带一路’倡议囊括包括经济、投资、文化、旅游、科技等广泛领域,因此它有望成为全面、有效、高效的合作倡议。”此外,他以匈塞铁路为例,阐释了共建“一带一路”倡议对塞尔维亚和匈牙利两国经济发展和双边关系的贡献。


  Hungary was the first European country to sign a BRI cooperation agreement with China. During an interview, Peter Medgyessy, former Hungarian Prime Minister, highlighted the positiveness of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) that provides a platform of cooperation in economy, investment, culture, tourism, and sci-tech. “Therefore, it promises to be a very comprehensive, effective, and efficient collaborative initiative.”

  Taking the example of the Budapest-Belgrade railway, he said that the BRI enables more dynamic development in Europe, and the fruitful results can be shared among countries in Europe and China. (Chen Tianhao)
